November 27, 2022

Migratory Chemicals in Consumer Products

Migratory chemicals are those chemical compounds which tend to migrate from the bulk phase of a material to its surface over time and under exposure...

October 30, 2022

Colloidal Emulsions in Inks and Adhesives

Polymeric colloidal emulsions are amongst the most popular choice of polymeric binder systems to be used in the inks, coatings, and adhesive industries. But still,...

September 14, 2022

Polyethylene (PE) replacement Barrier coatings

Need for replacing Polyethylene (PE) The aim is to reduce the use of petroleum-based plastics. To enhance moisture resistance and grease resistance, paper-based packaging is...

August 15, 2022

UV Curing and EB Technology

Drying or curing of dyes, printing inks, coatings and adhesives using ultraviolet radiation (UV) is a technology whose use is increasing in many areas of...

July 31, 2022

Blister Coatings: Heat Seal and Cold Seal

One can commonly find blister packs in the consumer market today for packaging of toothbrush, medicines, batteries, chocolates, toys, stationaries, cosmetics etc. Though the product...

June 8, 2022

Understanding Dynamic Surface Tension in Coating Formulations

Solvent borne formulations, with their naturally lower surface tensions, wet readily and transfer well onto most substrates. The increasing shift to waterborne formulations, due to...

June 8, 2022

Basics of Surface Tension: Key Property for Developing Coatings

Surface tension is involved in almost every way in coatings technology. There is no denial in saying that surface tension is amongst the key decisive...

March 18, 2022

Increasing Stickiness with Tackifiers

Tackifiers are low molecular weight component used in adhesive formulations, especially in tacky adhesives such as hot melt adhesives and pressure sensitive adhesives. As the...

March 17, 2022

Consumer friendly adhesive – Pressure Sensitive Adhesive

Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) are permanently tacky products which adhere to substrates under the application of slight pressure (this may also be referred to as...

March 9, 2022

Diving into Functional Coatings: Self-Cleaning & Self-Healing coatings

The term “functional coatings” has been used as a buzz word in the industry just like “smart phones” in the tech industry. Functional coatings can...

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